JB Moving

Moving for work – good or bad call?

Moving is hard… Especially if you are moving for work! It can affect your life a lot. You will have to leave everything behind, your friends, family, your favorite restaurant, and favorite park. There will also be a lot of hardships when you arrive in your new city. First, you have to adjust to your new home, neighborhood, and workspace. Then you will have to find your new favorite places and ways to spend your free time. So, with many hardships that await your in your new city, we called the expert from Culver City Movers, to give you a few tips on how to adjust when moving for work. So without any further ado, let’s dive in!

Downsides of moving for work

There are both downsides and upsides when moving for work. We will first focus on the downsides and then you can weigh your options when making the final decision.

Moving will take up a hefty piece of your budget

Moving will be expensive if you hire a moving company. And that is certainly the best idea possible when moving house, locally or long distance. The dangers and the difficulties of a “do it yourself” move outweigh the possible benefits, such as saving money. That is, if the company you work for decides not to cover your moving expenses. If they do, you are in luck, for it will save you a hefty amount of money.

team of people working
You will have a new team to build from the ground up

Your spouse may have difficulties

This may put some financial struggles on your relationship. If your partner does not have a similar offer as you are, then they will have to find a new job in the new city. Our expert Stephen Smith suggests that it is best to start looking for work in the new city a couple of months before the move. This is why it is a good idea to hire moving services Los Angeles. They are quite experienced and knowledgeable in the art of moving and many a satisfied customer can attest to that.

You may have difficulties with finding a good school

This is a big one if you are moving with children. This is a very hard time for your children because they have to do everything that you do, and change their school. Kids often experience the move negatively and you have to be there for them in order for them to feel safe. One way to ease their pain is to find a house near their new school. You should also pay special attention to choosing the best school for your kids. Try searching online and look up different trusted forums and other reliable sources.

You will have to find new friends

This is one of the hardest parts when moving for work. Leaving your friends and family behind can cause you to feel sad and discourage you from finding new friends in your new city. If some of your coworkers are moving as well, that will be a good start. Another good idea is to have a housewarming party and invite your new neighbors. You never know, maybe it will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

coworkers hanging around after moving for work
Hanging around with your new coworkers after moving for work is a great idea

There may be big differences between your old town and the new one

Moving for work from a smaller town to a bigger one, or vice versa, will affect you in different ways. First of all, you may experience culture shock. Moving to a different environment can make you feel dislocated and not a part of the community. This is especially relevant if you are moving long distance or internationally. A good way to try to fix this is by visiting the new town a couple of times before you move there in order to see if it is an environment you will enjoy. Another thing is that you will probably need to learn how to commute. Learning the transportation network, or having to buy a car will affect you a lot, both monetarily and otherwise.

Upsides of moving for work

Keeping your job and advancing in your career

Moving for work may be the only way for you to remain at the position that you are in currently. It may also offer a lot of opportunities for you to advance in your career. The idea of you moving for your company will prove to them that you are determined and want to move up the ranks. Another good thing is that you will have an opportunity to build a new team and start working on projects with a different perspective.

guy holding a tablet
There will be a lot of opportunities for you to advance

Better standard of living

Moving to a bigger city will most probably improve your standard of living. By moving to a bigger economy, you will also have a bigger salary and that will multiply even more when you start advancing in your job. It is also a great opportunity to start something new and fresh. If you always wanted to do something, like take up a musical instrument, this is the perfect time to do so. In addition, last minute movers Los Angeles are great with moving musical instruments and other fragile items. Check them out to see everything they offer!

Meeting new people

As much as it is a downside when you have to make new friends, it is an upside as well. When you are in a new town, you will have a plethora of opportunities to meet new people and start friendships. It is also a good thing for single people as there are a lot of new people you have never met and you may even find “the one”.


We have listed all the pros and cons of moving for work. We hope that this list was helpful enough for you to make a well-informed decision. It is a major change in life and you need to be cautious. With all that said, good luck with your move!