It is not really easy to move your indoor plants, truth to be told. You are right in seeking more information on it as the process is quite tricky. There are legal requirements to consider, as well. When you hire a moving company Los Angeles based, make sure to talk with them about any rules and regulations your plants must abide by. You will have a lot of work ahead of you if you are going to be moving your in-house garden so it is best to start early. The more time you have, the better. This article is going to provide you with tips and recommendations on how to make this process a lot easier.
Moving your in-house garden – Useful tips
Here is what you will want to do when moving your garden:
- Prepare your plants for the move
- Potted and hanging plants
- Take care of your indoor trees
- How to properly move a cactus?
- Hire professionals to assist you with your relocation
Prepare your plants for the move
First off, you may need to get some certificates for your plants, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Simply contact them and they will tell you if any of your plants require a specific certificate in order to move them.

You will start your efforts around two weeks before the moving day. Start by pruning all of your plants by pinching the newer growth off. You don’t need any special tools for this. Usually, your thumb and forefinger will be enough. If you are planning on hiring a moving company West Hollywood, you may want to ask them if they have a plant expert, as well. Their specific advice might be invaluable. Pruning your plants will make them healthier for transport. Another plus is that pruning will make them look better.
Make sure to water your plants two days before the move. Don’t water them excessively right before the move as that might cause leaks in the car or a truck. If you are moving during the summer, or are living in a particularly dry climate, you can water them the night before the move. But do make sure to drain the water from the pot before packing them.
Moving your in-house garden – Potted and hanging plants
Speaking of potted plants, you will need to wrap the large ones with tissue paper, or even a newspaper. Try to go for a cone shape in order to prevent any branches from breaking. Think bouquets that you see at the florist’s. For hanging plants, you will want to gather all the foliage gently at the top. You may also need to secure them with soft bands if your plants are quite large.
When the time comes to pack them, you will want to use the boxes that are just slightly larger than the original base of the plant’s pot. All of the regular packing materials apply here, such as packing peanuts, styrofoam, newspaper, and the like. What you want to accomplish is that your plants are snugly inside the boxes, without any “wiggle” room. This will protect them during transport. Moving the most precious items takes time and effort and you need to be aware of that. This will take quite a bit of your time.

You can even pack multiple similar-sized plants into a single box. Just make sure that the padding is sufficient. Always remember that plants are living things and that they need some air holes, as well. Punch some holes in the boxes and allow them to breathe. Always label your boxes with appropriate markings such as “This side up” and “Plant” so whoever is handling them knows what to expect.
Moving your in-house garden – Take care of your indoor trees
Your indoor trees will need to be wrapped in bubble wrapping on the night before the moving day. If you happen to have a box that is large enough, you can put your tree inside of it. This will add protection to your tree. However, moving a tree without a suitable box is just fine, as well. Make sure to transport the tree in the cabin of the vehicle you are using. You can also put some heavier boxes against the tree to ensure it will not fall during transport.
If you want to hire a moving company to help you with your plant moving, do note that this is going to be categorized under “special services” and will vary from situation to situation. It may be that your movers can do everything for you, or that they can’t really help at all due to various regulations. But it is always worth a shot.
How to properly move a cactus?
Moving a cactus requires some special consideration, especially if it is a big one. There is a lot less preparation required as your cactus will not really need much water, if any, during the trip. You can water it about a week before the move and it will be just fine. However, transplanting a cactus is really difficult and if you need to do that, better seek expert advice.

What you want to do is to wrap the entire pot with bubble wrapping or newspaper and place it inside a box. You may want to transport it on its own but if you need to place it with other plants, make sure that the pots themselves won’t bang together. Also, utilize plenty of packing peanuts or similar packing materials. If you are moving it on its own, you can leave the lid open since the cacti are quite hearty. Just don’t place anything on the top of the box.
Hire professionals to assist you with your relocation
Every relocation process is easier with the help of a professional moving company. Even if they can’t physically transport some of your plants due to regulations, they will be able to offer you expert advice on moving your in-house garden and all else that you might need for this endeavor.