A change of address seems to involve a list of tasks that never ends. Some of these tasks are getting rid excess stuff, packing the rest, hiring a professional moving company to transport your belongings, cleaning, etc. On top of all that, you need to inform a lot of people that you are moving. With so many people to inform about your relocation, it is quite easy to forget someone important, which may lead to further complications. Therefore, we are offering a brief reminder to help you complete this lengthy task successfully.

Important institutions and people to inform about your relocation
Friends and family come first
These should be the first people to inform about your relocation. Depending on how close you are, informing them may be difficult, so you may feel hesitant and keep putting it off. Still, no matter how hard it is to break this news to them, you should do it as early as possible. This way, you will have more time to say goodbye and make plans to keep in touch. Besides, you need them to help you with the move. The best moving companies Los Angeles has may be more experienced and efficient, but doing it with your friends and family is something special, plus, it’s free.
Your current landlord – if you are renting
Make sure to carefully review your tenant rights and responsibilities, in case you are renting your current home. Typically, the landlord has to be informed at least 30 days before moving out. If you are leaving the place in a good condition, you can get your security deposit back. Hand in a written notice stating your move-out date and your future address.
Your current employer and coworkers – don’t forget about these people to inform about your relocation
In case you are quitting your current job before relocation, you need to notify your bosses well in advance. You may not be easy to replace, therefore, your company may need some time to find a new employee to fill your position. Moreover, there will be more time to say goodbye to your coworkers and get all the documents in order. Since your current employer needs to send you insurance information and tax documents at the end of the year, they need to know your new address.
Medical and educational facilities
Moving to a new city requires finding a new doctor, dentist, vet, as well as a new school for your child. Then, you need to transfer the academic and medical records. The first step is to let the healthcare providers and educational facilities in your current city know that you will be moving soon. Even if your kid’s not going to attend a new school after the move, the school needs to know about it in order to update the kid’s contact information. Universities also need to update your address, so as to send you the tuition fees and necessary correspondences.

Utility providers
Ideally, you should have the utilities disconnected on the day you move out and connected at your new home before or immediately after you move in permanently. The most important utilities include:
- Water. Notify your water provider of your relocation and state the exact date you will no longer be using their services at your old address.
- Electricity and gas. Inform these companies of your move at the earliest opportunity. Moving into a home without heating is something you definitely want to avoid, especially when moving in the winter. Bear in mind that it could take a few days for them to update your address. With some electricity providers, there is a fee for ending your account early or moving to a new address. Take a reading of your gas and electricity meter on a moving day. Thus, they cannot overcharge you.
- Phone, internet, cable. These may or may not be at the top of your list of companies to inform about your relocation, but they all need to be informed at some point. Do not forget your mobile phone company, as they will be sending you bills, too.
- Other utilities. Also, inform the sewer utility company, garbage/recycling company, etc.
DMV – if you are a driver
When moving to another state, you might need to hire residential or commercial movers Los Angeles who can transport your vehicle. Also, visit the DMV office early and gather information on the required documentation. Usually, there is a deadline for transferring your driver’s license and updating your car’s registration and insurance. Although it depends on the state, it is normally between 10 and 30 days.
Tax and insurance agencies
Notify the federal revenue agency and your state tax agency of your relocation. You can inform the IRS by filling out a simple online form. Visit your state’s government website and look for instructions on changing your address. Chances are that you will be able to take care of everything online. Furthermore, you probably have life, health, as well as homeowners insurance. The insurance agencies should also have your current address on file.

Postal services
The US Postal Service is one of the most important agencies you should inform about your relocation. By doing it on time, you will avoid numerous inconveniences. All you need to do in order to have your mail delivered to your new address before it is updated with individual organizations, is submit a change of address request. This can be done at the USPS official website or a post office.
Subscription services and clubs are easily forgotten
Are you a member of any sports, professional, or social clubs? Do you subscribe to any magazines or newspapers you want to keep receiving at your new address? They are also among the people to inform about your relocation. Most companies and institutions allow their subscribers to change their address online or by calling their customer service department. However, you may need to visit some of them personally.